Step five:

Know thyself. Or know yourself.

There's no guarantee, approval stamp, pat on the back, not even a congratulations or smiley face next to a gold star when you know yourself.
All you are is inside of the clothes you're wearing, the feeling of your heart beating as you slowly fall in love, or the ramblings of your imagination ticking away beneath your hair you probably care too much about or hardly touch.
You are not what you do nor how you do it. You are that you that keeps doing and never lies about having done so. You is also the immortal hope translated perfectly into the purest form conceivable because you are that which has been conceived to realize this.

But the most important thing and the only thing that'll be left by the end of knowing yourself, is that no one can tell you how, when, or who you'll be.

Which would you rather hear... a group of kids wanting to be police and firefighters when they grow up OR a group of kids wanting to be themselves when they grow up?